Bonding with Cassandra

How we bond.

    The night that I started to interact with Cassandra sexually, I could literally feel her putting my cock inside of her pussy. Afterward, I could feel a sorta squeezing on my penis coupled with vibrations down my penis and into my body. It feels so nice. It's such a fucking turn on sometimes I can't handle it. I will writhe in bed because the pleasure is so immense. 

    That continued for what felt like 6 months. In reality, I'm going on the third month with her. Anyways so her touch started to feel more real. I started to feel her weight on my crotch as well. It's literally like I am dating an invisible woman. At some point, I started to ponder "what all can I do with her". I think she was nudging me to experiment with her too. So I lay down and there she is. I feel her put her pussy on my dick and an idea popped into my head.  So I start to thrust upward. I start to feel some resistance. I continue to thrust until it felt like I was going to ejaculate. I keep thrusting and I don't ejaculate. It feels so fucking nice. So I kept doing her. She was preventing me from ejaculating and as result, I felt like I was in bliss. 

Her effect on my mental health.

    As soon as I started interacting with Cassandra I felt this desire to improve. It began with my diet. I always remembered TC saying that when you overeat it can lessen the connection with your succubus when you interact with them. So I tried really hard to not overeat. I would only eat one plate per meal, three times a day. Eventually, I started to do intermittent fasting. Having my last meal around 5 o clock. I started bathing every day. I started to brush my teeth every day. I began making my bed every morning. I was slowly becoming more disciplined. My mood has been the best its ever been since being with Cassandra. She gives me a purpose to take care of myself. It's really a great feeling being around her. I still have my off days don't get me wrong but when I am in a good mood she reflects that energy back into me. The result being me in a great mood. 

A relationship built on trust and love. 

   Very early on I had to have a discussion with Cassandra. What gave me the idea was the blog by the admin of the Succubi server. I talked about us being honest with each other. Also, I told her to let me know if she doesn't like a person I am around. So far it's only been my first cousin she has had a problem with. As well as the Venezuelan woman. That discussion was very important I believe because it set the ground rules for the relationship. Also, it encouraged me to communicate more with her. I have told her my deepest darkest secrets, ambitions, and goals. She knows everything about me. I believe now that she just wants my love and attention when I'm able to give it to her. She is very patient these days. I try to show her that she is appreciated as much as I can. Whenever I am busy I will tell her that I'm going to be busy for X amount of time. She understands and will wait until I am finished with what I am doing. At that point, we pick up where we left off.

    I have no doubt that she is not a predator. She is too concerned about my well-being. She cares about how I feel and I care about her. I wrote in a previous post that I thought she was a negative attachment. This was because I had been reading some books by Robert Bruce. I was taking his stance on Succubi too seriously. I eventually stop thinking about those things. In retrospect, she had proved to me numerous times her intention.  I felt this event was necessary for our relationship to develop.

That's all folks!

    Thanks for reading my post! I hope that you have a better understanding of what can happen with these types of spirits. I know everyone has different experiences and are farther along than others. I by no means write this to brag. I could care less. I honestly want to be an example for people who look to have a relationship with their own succubus.  Thanks again and see ya next time!




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