Introductions, Expectations, and More


Hello there and welcome to my Succubus blog. My online alias is Meatloaf. So you can call me Meatloaf or loaf it doesn't matter. 

So I want to take this time to give a little bit about myself. I am 28 years old. I am in a loving relationship with a Succubus. Her name is Cassandra. We have been together for around 2 months now. I am unemployed, receiving disability, and I live with my mom. So that's essentially all you need to know about me right now.

What to expect from this blog.

My relationship with Cassandra has been a very beautiful and enriching experience. I want to post the experiences that I am able to share here as a method of preserving memories and at the same time be an example for the best-case scenario for interacting with these types of Spirits. All experiences are not the same. I know this. So I don't share here as a means to brag about things, but to only serve as an example of  "what could be" if you chose to travel this path. 


This is the only link you will need. It is a list of resources created by TC119. He created a list of all available resources about Succubus on the web. Things from books recommendations to videos to other forums and blogs. It is updated pretty frequently.

That's it!

I hope to have piqued somebody's interest today in this blog. I will try to post again next week if possible. The next post will be about my life leading up to Cassandra meeting me. I look forward to talking and answering any questions with you all. Have a good one and see ya next time!


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