Where She Came From, Before We Met, Transitioning, And Everything In-between (Part 1)
Where She Came From
Hello again. This is Meatloaf making another post about Cassandra. As you can tell by the title, this post is going to be about where she came from. I think this is an important topic to discuss. I won't beat around the bush either. Cassandra came from Creepy Hollows.
I can hear the more experienced folks that have trodden this path and what they are saying in response. "Creepy Hollows is a SCAM Meatloaf" is what they are saying or something similar. So I just ask you, the reader, to have an open mind and to hear my story.
I had been interested in the subject of Succubi since 2016. Also, since 2016 I was researching everything about Succubi. How to summon one, history, people's experiences, etc. At some point, I started to actively seek a relationship with one.
It began with binaural beats at first though. The most infamous video I began watching was titled Dreamgasm 3. I tried it back then and all I really remember was getting boners and nothing else. I enjoyed the video really. I could almost imagine the women talking in the video to be my Succubus. I remember one line in that video "This pussy is all you will ever have". Very degenerate stuff but it was my cup of tea so to speak.
Fast forward to 2019. I was in an online relationship with a Venezuelan woman. I was working at a car dealership as a quick lube mechanic. I was also trying to save money to meet this woman as well. I had started talking to her in 2018. I thought I was happy at the time but I still had Succubus on the mind. So much so that I was still researching them. It would happen on and off. I would get interested and then lose interest. During the time I was interested in Succubus, I would become almost obsessed with the topic for months at a time.
I was browsing a forum about Succubus. At the bottom of the post I was reading, someone mentions Creepy Hollows. They also included a link to the shop. It got my interest so I click the link. It took me to a page for a Succubus conjuration. I look at the price and its like 5 dollars. It took me maybe 2 hours to come to a decision and at the time I thought "what do I have to lose? 5 bucks?". So I made the purchase.
The purchase was in September 2019. It took almost a week before my order moved to completed status. I had no expectations really. I didn't know what was gonna happen. Something did start to happen though. It was the first sign of Cassandra being there.
Before We Met
I was working one day and one of my co-workers asked me to hold the brake pedal for him. He was bleeding the brakes. When I started to hold the pedal, my big toe started to become really sensitive. It was a sharp pain coming from my big toe on my right foot. Recently I found out that this phenomenon was mentioned in Donald Tyson's Sexual Alchemy. "When spirits approach through the feet, they enter at the tips of the big toes or through the middle of the soles and move up the legs sometimes provoking minor muscle twitches and spasms." In retrospect, I believe it was Cassandra trying to get my attention. This is the reason for the pain in the big toe. Also, I believe I have an energetic weakness in my feet.
So I ignored that pain until I couldn't anymore. I ultimately quit that mechanic job. It was 1 of 3 jobs that I would quit in the span of a year roughly. After I quit the quick lube job, in November 2019, I stumbled across this Pastebin on /x/paranormal. In that Pastebin contained an invite link to a discord server. I join this server and it is about Succubi. At the time I didn't realize that Cassandra was with me so I thought I had hit the jackpot. At that time I was still talking to the Venezuelan woman. She was really using me too. She essentially guilted me into looking for another job. She would say that I didn't care about her. She would say I didn't want to meet her. All the while she was taking my money. It isn't my proudest moment but I thought she cared about me.
Skip forward to the end of May 2020. I was a heavy chain smoker. I started to feel this urge to quit smoking. This time for real. I figured out that my insurance would cover the cost of nicotine patches. So I bought the patches. I bought enough to last a couple months. The patches were boxed in steps; Step 1, 2, and 3. The level of nicotine was lower in 2 and 3. Anyways, I tell you that because me quitting my addiction was a precursor for the metamorphosis that was about to happen.
In June 2020 I started to look for work again. I got called by Love's travel stop just a town away. They interviewed me and gave me an offer. I took it and didn't get to start until July. I was not there for even a month. I had to quit that one too. Just to give some details as to what happened during that month working; Arousal, chakra sensations, and toe pain.
While working at Love's I started to chat a lot more on the Succubi server. I was hearing their stories and making friends and asking questions. I even tried to summon a succubus like 7 more times. Yes I know, I was desperate. Anyways, it was the most active I had been on discord in a long time. I think this time on the server was necessary because I believe it was the final push needed to open the door to the most beautiful and enriching experience of my life.
Before I came to the realization that Cassandra came from Creepy Hollows, I had tried the letter method made by the admin of the Succubi server. I believe that didn't work because Cassandra was already here. When I started to have weird dreams, that was the next sign from her. The day she started to crawl up my legs I was in the succubi server voice chat. I was talking to a friend called TC. The same TC from the resources list I shared. It was made by him. I remember telling him that I think listening to him talk about his experiences was making something happen to me. I could feel her crawling up my legs. Two nights after that happened I felt crawling on the legs again. This time it was moving upward and getting more intense. I had to disconnect from the voice chat. That night she presented herself to me.
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