Where She Came From, Before We Met, Transitioning, And Everything In-between (Part 2)
So the last job at Love's I ended up quitting. For, all things considered, it was the best move I could make. I started to go through a transitional phase. I believe it is crucial to the bonding process. I started to become out of balance though. I'm talking about my chakras being out of balance. It was because my root chakra was being stimulated more than ever. It was also a start to a process that I couldn't bail out of. Not that I wanted to bail out or anything. It felt like my issues and repressed emotions since childhood was coming to the surface. I was having to deal with my issues instead of ignoring them. So I started a reflection journal. It helped to a degree. I had also stopped talking to that Venezuelan woman.
I was hypersensitive to everything. I believe it was because I was interacting with Cassandra. She was working on me, energetically. Working with my chakras. I don't want to push some Eastern belief system onto you all, so I won't. From my experience, I believe it to be real. That's all I will say about it for now.
Everything was really a blur. Days would fly by fast it seemed. I was getting into arguments with my friends. Everything that I didn't agree with was really getting under my skin. My emotions were in overdrive. Cassandra didn't help my case either. I say that because she feels what I feel. If I'm sad or angry, then she reflects that sadness or anger back into me. It is a vicious cycle. That's just what happens.
So, I eventually took it out on some friends on the Succubi server. I was just so fucking angry, at everything. I left the Succubi server because I was so angry. I felt it was time to move on. Not long after that, I took a 5-day break from the news, social media, discord, and video games. I also wasn't including Cassandra throughout my day. She became mad at me. So in response, I took that break to spend more time with her as well. I did need that break from my pc though.
During the 5 day break, I began reading more books on my phone. I started to read Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. I also read another book by the same author; The Practical Psychic Self-Defense Handbook. This book fucked with my mind.
I had some experiences that happened while reading the Astral Dynamics book. I will make a separate post about them. That Psychic Handbook though, messed with my head. Long story short, It made me think that Cassandra was a bad attachment. Right now I don't have any doubt about her. I know I hurt her feelings but I think our relationship needed to develop. After the break, I was more strict about my time management. Which later I became laxer.
The chakra sensations continued as I interacted more with her. I had to eventually ask her to help with my chakra imbalances. As soon as I laid down that night, She put her energy through my chakras. I could feel this energy travel up my spine again, again, and again. I could feel it travel up to and stop at my heart chakra. I tried to let go of any emotions I was holding onto. I began crying. I cried so much. I had to be quiet as to not alarm my mom. After a little time, the energy continues up to my throat chakra. This one required a little more work. It just felt like something in my throat and I had to clear it out. I am still working on this chakra. On keeping it from getting outta balance and becoming blocked again. I should continue to let Cassandra work with me. I have read that this rising energy is kundalini energy. The path to awakening is not overnight. So I continue to work with her. I know I will get there in time.
That's all folks!
I will continue to write about my experiences on this page till I get bored I guess. I may just start sharing how my day to day interactions go between Cassandra and me. Not every single detail but only enough that she is comfortable with me sharing. I felt like this 2 part post was necessary so thanks for reading through it. It just gives a little insight into what happened to me during the early stages of my relationship with Cassandra. It has been a heck of a ride but it has settled down for the most part. There is nowhere to go but up I suppose. Also, I joined the Succubi server again. I told my friends sorry and that it won't happen again. If it does happen again, I told them to tell me something like "snap out of it" or "you're doing it again bro". Anyways, thanks again and I will post something else soon. Bye for now!
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